Welcome to OHREAP.net, the internet's premier Educator Recruitment and Management System. Our website is designed to efficiently search, find, and manage qualified applicants allowing you to hire the best applicants for your schools.
OHREAP also gives you the ability to post jobs over the internet where they get national exposure at the same time saving money for your schools. By selecting our e-mail feedback or our "Notify School I am interested in this Job Posting" function, applicants can let your district know they want to work for you. Human Resource Personnel can get a list of applicants who are interested in a particular job by typing in the Job Posting Number or by selecting the job from a parameterized list of jobs. By clicking on a name on this list, the Applicant Information page is displayed which gives you access to the REAP application form as well as uploaded resumes, letters of recommendation, and college transcripts. The Applicant Information page also allows you to send e-mail to the applicant or add him/her to the REAP Applicant Management System.
OHREAP's database can be searched for teacher, administrator, instructional support, and support staff candidates by setting multiple search parameters. For instance, parameters for teacher applicants include Position Preferred, Teaching Certificate, Years Experience, GPA, Student Teaching Grade, and Activities Willing to Sponsor. You can also find applicants who are willing to act as teaching assistants or substitute teachers by searching by Certification and/or Zip Code. An applicant's full application can be printed or viewed in a matter of minutes.
OHREAP Applicant Management System is a tracking system that allows you and your staff to enter multiple ratings and comments for applicants that you are considering.
If you would like to learn more about how you can REAP the benefits click HERE.